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  • Gina Loiseau
    @VolunteerHaiti1 tweeted link to this page. 2016-02-24 23:30:13 -0500
  • Gina Loiseau
    commented 2016-02-24 23:30:00 -0500
    Volunteer Haiti est ma passion!!! Je vous encourage a supporter notre mission et vision. En tant que membre fondateur de cette organization, j’aimerais voir que Volunteer Haiti grandisse rapidement avec la philosophie du volontarisme.

    Volunteer Haiti, une idee qui s’impose!!!
  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2016-02-22 02:52:32 -0500
    Mw envite tout jèn vin fè menm jan avèm tanpri sa pap retire anyen sou nou e nou pap regrèt ken tefèl
  • Metra Mimonde
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-22 02:49:43 -0500
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  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2016-02-22 02:49:34 -0500
    Mw se Metra Mimonde mw chwazi fè volontariat poum ede generasyon kap vini yo e poum sove ayiti tou, si tout moun fè menm jan avèm nap gen yon ayiti tou nèf
  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2016-02-21 15:29:48 -0500
    Nan VH nap prepare poun kite pou sa kap vin dèyè yo em gen volonte poum fè volontarya nan vh. Volunteerhaitï Inc une idée qui s’impose ok
  • Staider Verpre
    commented 2016-02-21 04:51:26 -0500
    yo banm chans mw.Kounya mw se manb volunteer haiti mw santim fye paske mw jwenn chans prouve sam ka fè epi itilize talanm nan yon bagay pozitif. Donk oumenm ki se zanmim map envitew fè menm jan avèm, vin jwenn movman, vin aprann, vin ede, vin jwenn fanmi sa. Al enskri sou sit la
  • Oudny Philisme
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-18 15:02:51 -0500
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  • Metra Mimonde
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-16 23:30:40 -0500
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  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2016-02-16 23:29:55 -0500
    Volunteer haïti Inc une idée qui s’impose ok!
  • Metra Mimonde
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-16 23:01:16 -0500
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  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2016-02-16 23:00:38 -0500
    Alfrèd Metra se gran frèm lite toujou ap voye non VH la banm, gen yon jou mw mandel sal vle di li explikem el mandem sim vle enskri mw dil wi, li tou fè enskrim men mw te toujou ap swiv lèm vin byen konprann sakap fèt la mw baw tout mw menm telmanm renmen aktivite sayo em gen enpresyon mw renmen VH plis ke li renmenl
  • Staider Verpre
    commented 2016-02-15 12:38:53 -0500
    Septanm ane pase yon volontè te envitem nan movman volontarya. Mw te yon tijan retisan men mte gen volonte donk mte swiv sanm pa aji. Apre 2 mwa analiz mw vin konprann missyon, filozofi yo, sakrifis yap fè pou yo ede peyi sa, epi gro konferans anyèl volunteer Haiti fè le 25 desanm 2015 lan vin ranfose enpak sou mw.staff volunteer haiti a ankadrem, yo akonpanyem, yo banm chans mw.Kounya mw se manb volunteer haiti mw santim fye paske mw jwenn chans prouve sam ka fè epi itilize talanm nan yon bagay pozitif. Donk oumenm ki se zanmim map envitew fè menm jan avèm, vin jwenn movman, vin aprann, vin ede, vin jwenn fanmi sa.
  • Venise Raymond
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-13 23:17:48 -0500
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  • Venise Raymond
    commented 2016-02-13 23:11:59 -0500
  • Frantz Damas
    commented 2016-02-08 16:26:48 -0500
    Nous n’avons aucun choix que de travailler pour les générations à venir. Volunteer Haïti est un lien entre les universitaires, les professionnels, les techniciens et les intéressés de toutes couches sociales dans le but de promouvoir l’engagement communautaire via le volontarisme.

    Volunteer Haiti, une idée qui s’impose !
  • Staider Verpre
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-01-08 01:03:51 -0500
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  • Staider Verpre
    @stayder01 tweeted link to this page. 2016-01-08 01:03:46 -0500
  • Staider Verpre
    commented 2016-01-08 01:02:40 -0500
    Good morning. I am Staider VERPRE, i am a manager, i am an EFL teacher, an interpreter, a negotiator and translator.

    4 months ago, my friend DURANDIS DIMMY saw the posts of VOLUNTEER HAITI IN on Facebook, he contacted the executive members of VH and integrated the movement. He, then, invited to partake. At first i was reluctant due to my strong values. I actually observed. In the end, i was convinced by the mission and the great work VH is doing through its executive directors and its members.

    I’m now committed to supporting VH because i believe in the mission. I personify VH now. I’m currently the communication director of VH. I will gather all my positive energies to make a difference. I believe in a new HAITI, on the top of that i believe in a new world. Therefore let us aggregate our talents, skills, love and energies to better the world.

    May God bless Mr and Mrs Damas and all the members of VH, for they have a philanthropic heart . May God bless HAITI., may God bless the universe.
  • Marcelin Manno
    commented 2016-01-07 16:10:20 -0500
    bonjour,je reponds au nom de Marcelin Emmanuel,je suis journaliste et informaticien. Réprésentant de La Global Haiti Live News.Haiti est un pays vulnérable face aux catastrophes naturelles,la situation socio-politique du pays s’agrave au quottidien.devrions nous rester indifférent à l’égard de ses sérieux problè crois que Volunteer Haiti est en train de forger une place pour les jeunes Haïtiens de nos jours,afin de leurs permettre de vendre leurs images suis convaincu que chacun de nous peut apporter sa note dans la partition de la mélodie constructive d’Haiti.Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous gard,Paix sur Haiti pour l’année 2016.
  • Nathaly Clerier
    commented 2015-12-28 10:27:11 -0500
  • Patrice privat Levasseur
    commented 2015-11-25 00:03:07 -0500
    Mwn se Levasseur P. Patrice

    Mwn se yon etudiant en psychologie

    Map vive et map etudier en rep Dominicaine.

    Rezon ki pousem a fe volontaire se kem kwe nan chanjemen et mwn kwe nou ka chanje sa nan fason nou nou pas bezwen tann se moun ki vinn fe pou nou men si nou mete competans nou bonne volonte nou nap ka fe de grande choz.
  • Ingnedy Estriplet
    commented 2015-11-22 08:31:07 -0500
    Anse-à-Pitres 1982,c’est là que je suis né precisément le 10 0ctobre.Je suis le 4ème d’une famille de 6 personnes.Né d’une mére Pelicanaise(Grand-Gosier).Je suis idealiste,je hais l’intolerance,le racisme et la violance gratuite,je suis ingénieur civil.
  • Jean Joseph Toussaint
    commented 2015-11-16 13:39:17 -0500
    Bonsoir, Je suis Jean Joseph Toussaint, ing. informaticien. Pas d’histoire à partager et, pour moi, etre volontaire est plus qu’une question de motivation mais c’est de trouver notre nature humaine. C’est à dire d’avoir un coeur, d’etre compatissant à la souffrance des autres, savoir nous aimer et nous entraider, unir notre force et notre capacité quelque soit sa nature pour lutter contre les misères au profit du bonheur de tous et du développement de notre monde. Je decide de cultiver cette nature humaine et remercie Volunteer Haiti de pouvoir m’accorder un environnement adéquat pour le faire.
  • Metra Mimonde
    commented 2015-11-15 15:54:22 -0500
    Mw se METRA Mimonde mw se jardinière mw gen volonte poum patisipe nan tout aktivite ki konsène jenès la, mw renmen kote ki gen anpil anbyans banm aktivite volunteer h
  • Mesidor Jean Junior Mendel
    commented 2015-11-13 14:01:04 -0500
    Mwen se Mendel Mesidor, mwen soti Lyankou, Administrateur, Enseignant, travay nan Natcom S.A.

    Mwen motive poum fe volonte paske map viv nan zon yon ki manke anpil bagay, moun yo manke anpil mwayen tandike gen anpil bezwen. Etanke yon moun ki leve nan zon nan e ki gen posibilite aprann, mta renmen ede lakay mwen, paske mwen kwe lavi lot moun yo ka chanje si nou ede yo, zon nou ka posede anpil bagay si nou met tet ansanm.

    Nan ka sa a, mwen vle bay tout mwen menm jis pou pote yon chanjman ak popilasyon an.
  • Frantz Damas
    followed this page 2015-10-21 10:53:28 -0400
  • Frantz Damas
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-20 23:32:13 -0400
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  • Frantz Damas
    @Damas19Damas tweeted link to this page. 2015-10-20 23:32:10 -0400
  • Frantz Damas
    commented 2015-10-20 23:31:58 -0400
    Be yourself and no one else!

    Five years ago, I landed to the US, my overall experience was a challenge, but I have learned to never give up and to be courageous. Presently, I am pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration at UNF, and I am currently a VISTA member stationed at the Arc Jacksonville as Volunteer Coordinator and Community Partner, and I am as well an academic Tutor at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

    Not everyone is able to see, analyze and understand what it means to “be yourself.” I am myself, the expression of my thought, “Verba et Acta.”

    I may not have the exact words to start my story, but I feel proud to be the author or part of an idea that becomes true and will continue to be true.

    Volunteer Haiti is not a hazard, I have been helping people all my life, and I have inspired many to move forward as I lead by example. I believe in the power of words, and I believe in combining thought and action to inspire and motivate others.

    It is said in the bible, “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, “Volunteer Haiti was an idea that I spread out in a seminar that I assisted in Orlando. For a lack of positive energy, the idea suffered two months until Ovilmar Anilus Junior, a friend of mine virtually pushed the idea to leave its forming stage. Meeting with Ing. Terry DeBriere, the idea started being true. Finally, the inputs of Gina Loiseau, Gilbert Lafortune, and Roguens Stinvil have us move to a higher dimension. Terry DeBriere has the credit to be a man of action in the story of Volunteer Haiti.

    There is no need to repeat that Volunteer Haiti is “une idée qui s’impose,” but there is a need to call for the power of creative collaboration to make of Haiti a better and a safer place to live.

    Frantz Damas, MPP Candidate