For being Verba et Acta “Thought and Action,” we will continuously manifest ourselves to a higher level and apply our creative collaboration to carry out our mission and vision either in Haiti or in the US. We will converge the experiences, accomplishments, talents, and knowledge that we have through volunteering to give back to our community and motivate others to engage their energies and focus on community development.
• Community Engagement: Devenir Volunteer Haiti Ambassadeur
• Next Generation Leaders Seminars/Mentorship
• Clean Water Initiative
• Healthcare/Mobile clinics
• Environmental campaigns
• Civic education campaigns
• Agriculture
• Emergency management such as risks and natural disasters
If you are interested in supporting or financing one of the above projects, please contact us at [email protected], and we will provide you with more details.
All charitable donations are tax deductible.
It is Volunteer Haiti-policy that all donations made for a specific project will be used exclusively for that project, with a maximum of 15% being used for administrative purposes and fundraising expenses. Supplementary funds allocated to a specific project will be transferred to a similar project designated to expand our Mission and Vision as a volunteer social network. However, when natural disasters or unexpected needs arise, surplus funds may be used to be responsive to critical situations.